Aire commune , space and event creator

Aire Commune event

Aire commune brings together a community of curious, spontaneous people who want to connect with other bright minds. We create projects, spaces and events to make daily life more interesting!

Two people laughing

The brand

Much more than a place, Aire commune is a unifying brand for an engaged Montreal community, sharing a common vision: reinventing work. We take care of your 9 to 5, as well as your 5@7!

The first outdoor coworking and event space to open in Canada in 2017, Aire commune is the flagship project of the Îlot 84 organization. Events, greendesking, special projects: we offer a wide range of solutions to help you make the most of the city’s effervescence.

Ephemeral spaces

Free and open to all, this facility can accommodate up to 8 people and offers full functionality: Television, videoconference system, high-speed Wi-Fi, electricity, air conditioning and a whiteboard for brainstorming sessions.

A space primarily adapted to work and relaxation, Esplanade Louvain offers a place to meet, rest, have fun and get some fresh air. A green oasis in the middle of a business district!