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The project

Winter îlots

Assembly, dissasembly, installation and maintenanceBrand activationCustom projectDelegated productionEvent managingInstallationOccasional eventOutdoorSignageSocial spaceStreets and public spacesTechnical drawings and sketchesUrban planningWinter
  • 2023
  • Groupe Spectra - Festival Montréal en lumières

Transformation of our Îlots d'été into winter cabins! Mandated by the Festival Montréal en lumières to create heated relaxation areas, Aire commune productions decided to winterize its flagship structures, and add transparent vinyl walls that let you see in and out of the installation.

The installation of the five winter cabins included paving, guying, and installation of Christmas trees and radiators.


About our modules :

Our “Îlots” modules are small cabins equipped with tables and seating, which can be combined to create work or social destinations.

Their design and versatile furnishings have been conceived to make them modular, whether for installation in a park, along a street, on a pedestrian street, or alongside a bicycle path. All are equipped with electricity, LED mood lighting and a universal access ramp.

The basic module, with its wood and aluminum structure, is adapted to the dimensions of a standard parking space and can be used in both summer and winter.

  • Modular

Designed to reflect your needs and your brand image! For daytime, evening or event use. Customizable promotional display space

  • Sustainable

Sturdy canvas that can stand up to rain and wind, summer and winter. Durable for 3 to 5 years. Eco-responsible production.

  • Turnkey solution

These modules are designed, built and installed by the Aire commune productions team. Easily dismantled and stored.

  • Innovative

Scalable according to the location and nature of your projects, with the possibility of adding additional features such as wi-fi, solar panels and bike racks.


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